Sex Education Teacher/Author advocates for sex between adults and minors.
Who is Heather Corinna?
Heather Corinna was one of the progenitors of the website Scarleteen which boasts of being "Sex Education for the real world."
Her books and curriculum materials are finding their way into schools across the country. People who have interviewed her have boasted that her website is the most widely used sexual education website in the world. She has been the recipient of several awards for her work, one of which stated it was for "consistent investment in the development of young people in the field of reproductive justice."
The Washington Post recently reported that one of her books entitled: "S.E.X., second edition The all you need to know sexuality guide to get you through your teens and twenties." had been suggested to teachers for a "schoolwide read". And it would of been part of the curriculum in California if parents had not showed up to the meeting and read the book aloud, and shown pictures of the explicit material contained within.
Parents at school board meetings have been the subject of ridicule on the left recently, along with being targeted by the FBI as terrorists as reported here by the Post Millennial. Parents and faculty come forward on both sides of the argument of whether or not controversial topics like Critical Race Theory, and LGBTQ "inclusive" sex education should be included in school curriculums. In a recent video report on my YouTube channel I detailed several recent cases wherein LGBTQ teachers who have publicly advocated for more extensive sexuality curriculum in schools are arrested for pedophilia. Including one teacher in Hawaii who admitted to having sex with a thirteen year old boy, filming the sexual encounters and sharing them with other pedophile teachers.
In this environment parents have every reason to be concerned about what their children are being taught in school, particularly when so many "activist" teachers have stated publicly that they will lie to parents about things they learn about their children's sexuality.
And that brings us back to Heather Corinna.
Ironically, it was in a debate about children and sexual activity I was having on Facebook that someone shared this article that you can now only find on the Wayback Machine that was authored by Corinna on her previous website Scarlet Letters. The article was entitled "Rage of Consent how our Love/Hate relationship with Youth Sexuality and Abuse Hysteria Is Endangering Our Culture."
The article was shared in the debate as if it was meant to be a valid contribution to the argument. And the argument was about whether or not minors should be having sex with adults.
The article begins immediately within the first paragraph suggesting that it was erroneous to consider relationships between minors and adults as "child sexual abuse". she goes on further to complain about the criticism she has received for her position on the sexuality of children:
"Yet one of the most common criticisms I get for editing and running Scarleteen (a sexuality information clearinghouse for youth which serves thousands of teens daily) is some variation of: "How can you say that a child has the right to be sexual?"
Perhaps the better question to ask is: Who are we to say anyone does or does not have a right to enjoy their bodies, to be intimate with others by their own consent, and to make their own choices sexually, as full beings, when we permit such rights in nearly every other aspect of human life?"
She further elaborates on that position. Making it clear that she literally means anyone of any age:
"To state that a person of any age has no right to make choices regarding their own bodies, as is developmentally appropriate for each individual, is alarming. That sentiment in and of itself likely puts them in more danger, and creates a far more negative environment for their sexual and emotional relationships, than a consensual relationship with an adult or a peer could possibly do."
In saying this, Corinna suggests that it is potentially dangerous and more damaging for people to intervene when children who do not have the maturity to give informed consent have what she suggests are consensual relationships with adults.
Further into the article, Corinna refers to a poll they did of the readers of Scarleteen, and revealed a disturbing trend among her readers of her website having been part of relationships between children and adults.
"In a general query of Scarlet Letters' readers, as well as a survey of adults who have had or do have a sexual attraction to legal minors, the average respondent had approximately 60% of their teen sexual relationships with peers, and 40% of them with adults. Of twenty in-depth interviews, only one respondent felt there was anything inherently negative in their consensual relationship with an adult as a teen based solely on age-in-years. One other respondent who was sexually abused as a child also discussed positive sexual or sensual experiences with another adult, keenly noting the differences between abuse and consenting sexual activity."
In stating this, Corinna suggests that there is a difference between non-consensual sex between adults and children, (abuse) and what she suggests is not abuse. That being consensual sex between adults and children.
She goes on to detail the anecdotes of several of her readers detailing what they would call advantages of these sexual relationships between children and adults, including the "fantastic sex". And one of the teens who had a sexual relationship with a thirty five year old man credited him for getting her onto her career path.
The article then moves in the direction of suggesting that scientific studies have shown that the only reason for the negative outcomes for these "consensual sexual relationships between children and adults" is due to the negative stigma in society associated with such relationships.
Corinna then goes on to detail her own experiences with relationships with adults when she herself was a child. The attitude and agenda of the author starts to become more clear. As does a quote from further in the article:
"Rape is sex without consent. Though child molestation is rape, it does not follow that all sex with a minor is rape. Unless we are stating that our young men and women are mentally disabled and thus unable to give consent - thus making all sexual acts performed by a minor into rape by definition, whether with adults or peers - we cannot say that a youth who says "yes" emphatically to any sexual relationship has not given consent, IF we have furnished them with the information they require to do so."
It's at this point that Corinna's interest in child sex education becomes clear. And it brings into clarity why so many activists in the realm of child sex education seem to be interested in teaching children at younger and younger ages about sex, sexuality and sexual identity.
The article then moves on to giving a voice to the adults in the situation. And to suggesting that adults who have sexual attraction to minors are similar to gay people, inter-gendered people, etc. Implying that sexual attraction to children is just another sexual identity. What has often been dismissed as just a right wing talking point is revealed. Yes there is in fact a movement to add pedophilia to the LGBTQ banner.
"Dissident, 32, who is attracted primarily to teen women, reminds us that, "Minor-attracted adults of every attraction base have existed throughout human history, just like homosexuals and intergendered individuals, and like the latter two, the former were highly regarded in sex-positive and more socially enlightened societies in the past, particularly as mentors and teachers of youths. It was not considered horrible or inappropriate that the great concern for these youths on the part of adults had a sexual element to it in societies that respected youths as intelligent and articulate human beings, who did not see sexuality as a 'negative' thing, for youths or anyone else, and who considered the sexual experiences of youth to be a natural part of their education."
The last sentence I underlined there should be chilling to anyone concerned about the agenda of people who are seeking to teach children of younger ages about sex.
In further comments from "Dissident" later in the article the situation is framed as if the adult who is having sex with children is somehow the victim in the situation.
"Our own families are ashamed of us for something that is not only not our fault, but which is not pathological but perfectly natural. That society does not want to understand us but simply to pillory us, and that we are used as political bogeymen to attack the civil rights of everyone, creates a continually difficult and traumatic life for us to bear. Since I am 'out' in real life, I am often subject to snide and cruel remarks behind my back, and my attraction is a large source of ammunition for any person to use against me in any sort of argument as a sure fire means of making their status more 'ethical' then my own (i.e., if I was berating a Neo-Nazi for his racist views, he would likely say to me, 'Well, at least I don't like little girls!'), etc. It's very hard to live like this, and the many emotional problems that we suffer come after the fact, and not as a result of, our attraction base ... and this is why suicide and even substance abuse can be common among our minority group."
Heather Corrinna goes on to suggest that we cannot demonize such relationships. And why? Because we have to protect the children's self esteem...
"What Dissident says is important to bear in mind, not only for the well-being of such adults , but for the youths they may become involved with. If we tell a youth that the person whom they may love is a "pervert" or a sociopath because they love them, we send a crucial negative blow to the self-esteem of that youth by telling them that only an adult who is a pervert could possibly cherish them or find them sexually appealing. Worse still, imagine the youth who may grow to have a limited pole of attraction or an attraction to minors being reared with constant messages that anyone with that attraction base is sick or evil - which thus includes himself or herself in that group."
Multiple times in the article, Corinna tries to draw a parallel between the fact that we sometimes charge children as adults for crimes, and that this therefore somehow means that children should be permitted to give informed consent to sexual activity with adults.
"It is not invalid to feel that our youth are not capable of decision-making and responsible sexual choices, IF we have not equipped them with the support and information to do so - if we have in fact created a climate in which they cannot do so. However, if so, then the deficiency is not on the part of our youth! If our rationale for criminalizing adult/youth relationships, or youth sexuality in general, is that youth are "led only by their hormones," or unable to be responsible due to their age, why then would we encourage them to become engaged with same-age-peers who are likely to be the same way? If our rationale is this, how then can we hold them responsible as adults for crimes they commit, yet claim they cannot make the same choices in regard to their sexuality?"
The article on Scarlet Letters is very long, and it would take a several part series of articles to go over in detail all of the glaringly disturbing points brought up by both the adults who are attracted to children and the author. But if there was any doubt as to my earlier assertion that Corinna is involved in sexual education specifically because she believes that children who are properly informed should be allowed to have consensual sex with adults, I would end the quotes from the article with the following:
"If we were to rear our children in environments which empowered and supported their sexuality and self-esteem, and were supported as parents and mentors in doing so ... if we made sure they received lifelong and comprehensive sex education, and we treated them like young adults, placing the responsibility and accountability for their actions on them ... that old rug, the "moral protection of the feeble innocents," would be pulled right out from under us. A young adult can say yes or no, and when they have the pertinent information, support, and a healthy self-image, they can make informed choices capably."
Corinna's stance is that children who have been properly informed through sex education should be treated as young adults who are capable of making decisions about their sex lives. And that it is a lack of information and not what society has identified as a lack of brain development and maturity that should be considered to be the limiting factor when it comes to if someone can give consent.
A person with this perspective is now writing books that are being given to children around the country. She is winning awards and writing articles for major publications. Though her true position on sex between minors and adults is not the public focus of her work for obvious reasons. I have multiple times now shared my detailed video report that can be found on my YouTube channel specifically about this article. I did so on both the Scarleteen Twitter, and Corinna's personal Twitter, asking her to explain her article. The only response I received was in the form of being blocked on Twitter. No retraction. No attempt at explaining the position further, not even an attempt to suggest that she may have since revised her position. It is this kind of secrecy that leads to conservative parents having what I feel are valid concerns about the agenda of the people in question.
She, along with the teacher from Hawaii who was recently arrested for raping a 13 year old student both made the argument that somehow this form of sex education was a means to protect children from the very abuse they secretly advocate for. Corinna wrote an article for the Guardian to that very effect.
It's time for people on the left to take responsibility for the fact that expanded sex education will inevitably be an inroad for people with legitimate interest in normalizing sex between adults and children to gain access to children. As I maintained in my video detailing cases of this very thing taking place I do not feel that people in the LGBTQ community are somehow more likely to be Pedophiles. However, if we are to have an environment where people who show concern when these issues come to the forefront are shouted down or accused of bigotry we are creating the perfect cover for people with nefarious intentions towards our children.
Instead unfortunately as I experienced when I released my two videos on this topic the knee-jerk reaction is to try and silence, disparage, or intimidate people into not speaking about it. Ironically the reactions I get also generally include the "whataboutism" of bringing up the Catholic church and recent scandals that have been covered up. All the while not realizing that they are taking part in the same sort of cover when they attack anyone who tries to draw attention to this very real problem.
Thankfully, there are activists in the LGBTQ community who have had enough. The Gays Against Groomers Twitter account for example brings attention to the real problem that the LGBTQ community is being used as a vehicle for pedophiles to gain access to children. And that people who try to speak out against this within the LGBTQ community are often attacked. The Post Millennial recently reported that this account has been in the past censored by twitter. Thankfully due to public pressure it was re-instated.
Efforts are being made to start up LGBTQ clubs across the country at schools, and Corinna herself offers training in setting up and facilitating support groups for children to be "safe spaces to tell the truth".
As we saw with Critical Race Theory in schools there seems to be a pattern that seems to escalate with a few steps:
1. Say that the activity is not actually supported by anyone, and the activity is not actually happening.
2. Admit that the activity is actually being supported, but deny that it is happening.
3. Admit finally that not only is the thing being supported, that it is happening and should be happening.
As I watch people I debate with on YouTube, Twitch, Twitter etc squirm in their chairs in the bargaining phases of denial I also watch the people who have been supporting this from the start seeing their opportunity and trying to normalize sex between children and adults. And just like CRT find it's way into K-12 schools, it's another thing that was dubiously labeled as only right wing hysteria or a talking point.
If you are a parent, demand transparency in the curriculums being taught to your children. The education community has made it clear that they will in fact lie to you. That they feel that you as the parent are the enemy. And that they are somehow protecting children by pushing these ideas into the minds of children.
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